jQuery How to Truncate Text “show more” “show less” content script

Cat: jQuery Examples - Cut and Paste Scripts

There are 3 steps to making the following jquery.truncate.js code work in your page.

<!– 1) HOW TO USE: Save the following code as truncate.js and link from the HEAD of your code –>


$(document).ready(function() {

jQuery.fn.truncate = function( max, settings ) {

settings = jQuery.extend( {

chars: /s/,

trail: [ “…”, “” ]

}, settings );

var myResults = {};

var ie = $.browser.msie;

function fixIE( o ) {

if ( ie ) {

o.style.removeAttribute( “filter” );



return this.each( function() {

var $this = jQuery(this);

var myStrOrig = $this.html().replace( /rn/gim, “” );

var myStr = myStrOrig;

var myRegEx = /</?[^<>]*/?>/gim;

var myRegExArray;

var myRegExHash = {};

var myResultsKey = $(“*”).index( this );

while ( ( myRegExArray = myRegEx.exec( myStr ) ) != null ) {

myRegExHash[ myRegExArray.index ] = myRegExArray[ 0 ];


myStr = jQuery.trim( myStr.split( myRegEx ).join( “” ) );

if ( myStr.length > max ) {

var c;

while ( max < myStr.length ) {

c = myStr.charAt( max );

if ( c.match( settings.chars ) ) {

myStr = myStr.substring( 0, max );





if ( myStrOrig.search( myRegEx ) != -1 ) {

var endCap = 0;

for ( eachEl in myRegExHash ) {

myStr = [ myStr.substring( 0, eachEl ), myRegExHash[ eachEl ], myStr.substring( eachEl, myStr.length ) ].join( “” );

if ( eachEl < myStr.length ) {

endCap = myStr.length;



$this.html( [ myStr.substring( 0, endCap ), myStr.substring( endCap, myStr.length ).replace( /<(w+)[^>]*>.*</1>/gim, “” ).replace( /<(br|hr|img|input)[^<>]*/?>/gim, “” ) ].join( “” ) );

} else {

$this.html( myStr );


myResults[ myResultsKey ] = myStrOrig;

$this.html( [ “<div class=’truncate_less’>”, $this.html(), settings.trail[ 0 ], “</div>” ].join( “” ) )

.find(“.truncate_show”,this).click( function() {

if ( $this.find( “.truncate_more” ).length == 0 ) {

$this.append( [ “<div class=’truncate_more’ style=’display: none;’>”, myResults[ myResultsKey ], settings.trail[ 1 ], “</div>” ].join( “” ) )

.find( “.truncate_hide” ).click( function() {

$this.find( “.truncate_more” ).css( “background”, “#FFF” ).fadeOut( “normal”, function() {

$this.find( “.truncate_less” ).css( “background”, “#FFF” ).fadeIn( “normal”, function() {

fixIE( this );

$(this).css( “background”, “#FFF” );


fixIE( this );


return false;



$this.find( “.truncate_less” ).fadeOut( “normal”, function() {

$this.find( “.truncate_more” ).fadeIn( “normal”, function() {

fixIE( this );


fixIE( this );


jQuery(“.truncate_show”,$this).click( function() {

$this.find( “.truncate_less” ).css( “background”, “#FFF” ).fadeOut( “normal”, function() {

$this.find( “.truncate_more” ).css( “background”, “#FFF” ).fadeIn( “normal”, function() {

fixIE( this );

$(this).css( “background”, “#FFF” );


fixIE( this );


return false;


return false;







<!– 2) HOW TO USE: put the following code in the HEAD of your page or next to the div you’re calling –>


$(document).ready(function() {

$(“.example_1″).truncate( 90, {

chars: /s/,

trail: [ ” ( <a href=’#’ class=’truncate_show’>more</a> . . . )”, ” ( . . . <a href=’#’ class=’truncate_hide’>less</a> )” ]




<!– 3) HOW TO USE: put the following in the BODY of your code encapsulating the text you want to truncate –>

<div class=”example_1″>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec a lorem. Maecenas vel risus et eros vulputate sagittis. Aliquam at tortor. Nunc sit amet elit sit amet quam pellentesque condimentum. Etiam id nulla vitae massa imperdiet varius. Duis a quam. Duis faucibus lobortis velit.

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